Admissions Policy
In order to ensure a fair allocation of places and clear instruction to families, and other relevant agencies, this policy outlines the admissions procedure to Johnstown community childcare centre.
- The Centre caters for children between the ages 1 year and twelve years.
- The parent/guardian fills out an application form and submits it to the centre. The parent/guardian may also add any extra information they deem necessary or a letter from another professional/agency supporting the application.
- The child is then placed on a waiting list until a recruitment meeting is held by the centre to allocate places. The recruitment group is made up of centre staff/ management.
- The recruitment meeting is held annually to allocate places for the year. If places become available during the year, we will hold additional recruitment meetings to fill these.
- Under the terms of our funding from the DCYA priority will be given to children who are eligible under the Community Childcare Subvention Scheme (CCS) or referrals via HSE/ TUSLA. All other applicants will be placed on a waiting list based on a first come first serve basis.
- All successful applicants are then contacted. If a child is unsuccessful in attaining a place, he/she will be replaced on a waiting list for consideration if a suitable place becomes available during the year. Every year parents will be required to fill out a child record card. These forms are highly confidential.
- If at any time, the Centre cannot meet a child’s needs, it reserves the right, in collaboration with the parents to seek additional supports and/or refer the child to a more suitable agency that will best meet his/her needs.
- The parent/guardian reserves the right, if unhappy with an outcome of a decision made, to appeal that decision, through the centre’s appeals procedure.