To provide a safe creative space for children to grow and develop through positive experiences without discrimination.
To provide accessible, quality childcare that helps to enable parents to take up education, training and employment opportunities.
To support Urlingford as a community by working in partnership with both parents and local agencies.
To promote confidence and self esteem in each child by supporting ‘learning by doing’ and recognising the individuality of each child.
To stimulate children by developmentally appropriate play and activities.
To build an awareness in children of their environment and their surroundings
To provide accessible, quality childcare that helps to enable parents to take up education, training and employment opportunities.
To support Urlingford as a community by working in partnership with both parents and local agencies.
To promote confidence and self esteem in each child by supporting ‘learning by doing’ and recognising the individuality of each child.
To stimulate children by developmentally appropriate play and activities.
To build an awareness in children of their environment and their surroundings